Sean and Catherine Lowe Home Tour Photos

Sean and Catherine Lowe's Holly Jolly Home

Nicole Hill Gerulat

Sean and Catherine Lowe may have met on TV, but the former Bachelor stars have since shifted their focus to what you sit on while you watch the addictive ABC series.

The couple, who are parents to one-year-old son Samuel and are currently expecting baby number two, first announced their furniture line with Wayfair, “Home by Sean and Catherine Lowe,” in April, and are now expanding the collection, introducing new pieces in both their Dallas home and on Although Catherine originally described the pieces as “sophisti-comfortable,” the fresh offerings bring in a slightly different take. “I’d say the new furnishings are ‘nap-tastic,’” Catherine, 31, says.

Practical But Pretty

Nicole Hill Gerulat

As parents, the Lowes understand the struggle of finding attractive but kid-friendly furniture, which largely inspires their creative process. “Our designs are geared towards people like us—people who want sleek pieces that are functional, really made for comfort,” says Sean, 33.

Plans to Expand

Nicole Hill Gerulat

Although they are focused on furniture now, Sean says they don't intend to contain it to that. “We’ve been thrilled with the growth we’ve seen so far,” he says. “We will continue to create cool and comfy sofas and chairs and we also hope to expand our line by introducing rugs, throws and pillows soon."

Sitting Success

Nicole Hill Gerulat

“So far we have received a ton of great feedback,” Sean continues. “As we move forward, we're going to focus on creating oversized pieces because that seems to be what people have been most excited about.”

Timeless Traditions

Nicole Hill Gerulat

Helping fans create a cozy home is more than just a business for the couple. “The most rewarding part of the furniture design process has been creating pieces we know that families will spend an infinite amount of time on and enjoy for years to come,” he says.

Hang-Out Hub

Nicole Hill Gerulat

Although the young family originally had a penchant for the Sean-described “Pit” AKA the Chelsea Sectional, they’ve added an additional accent chair for extra lounging in their living room. “It’s where we end the day every day, watching movies and just hanging out,” he says.
